sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013

ALUNO: ___________________________________ 3º ANO C


1) Encontre e classifique as conjunções presentes no trecho a seguir:

I am optimistic. For example, I did not have money to buy a present to my father. It was his birthday, but I did not get sad. I worked a lot, so I got extra money because of  my effort. 

Questões 2 a 6 – Complete com a conjunção correta e marque a alternativa.

2) You must be tired, ______ you haven't taken any break the whole morning.

a) but
      b)    for
      c)      or
d)     and 

3)   He didn't pass the exam. That was __________ he didn't study hard.

a) since
b) as
c)    because
d)  but

4)  Life without friends ______ families would be lonely.

a) or
b)   and
c) but
d) though

5)  I can understand English. ___________ I don’t speak it.

a) And
b) but
c)  the
d) so

6) I could not buy a new poetry book ___________ I had no money.

a)   So
b) because
c) but
d) and

7)  Complete the sentences with correct conjunctions.

a) John is rich__________ he’s not a happy person.
b) She was alone at home ___________ my parents traveled
c) She speaks German___________I don’t.
d)  My friend did not want to go to the movies _________ I went alone.
e) He’s a millionaire ____________ he isn't happy.
f) Anna didn’t study anything. ___________she passed all the tests.
g)  Fred can do that for you________ he is your friend.
h)  She bought vitamins _________ forgot to buy aspirin.
i)  Paul can’t go to work __________ he has the flu.

8)  Na frase “We get hungry when we are studying” a conjunção indica:

a) Adversidade
b) Adição
c)  Tempo
d) Conclusão

9) Marque a alternativa cuja classificação em relação às conjunções esteja correta.

a) He was tired because he worked all day long. (explicativa)
b) We shouted but nobody listened.  (Aditiva)
c) They will do their homework and clean their bedroom. (Adversativa) 
d) Tom studied hard, though he failed the test (concessiva)

sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2013

Lista dos Verbos Irregulares - Alunos ADA!!

Simple Past 
Past Participle
to arisearosearisensurgir, erguer-se
to awakeawokeawokendespertar
to bewas, werebeenser, estar
to bearborebornnascer
to beatbeatbeatenbater
to becomebecamebecometornar-se
to beginbeganbeguncomeçar
to betbetbetapostar
to bitebitbittenmorder
to bleedbledbledsangrar
to blowblewblownsoprar
to breakbrokebrokenquebrar
to bringbroughtbroughttrazer
to buildbuiltbuiltconstruir
to burnburnt (burned)burnt (burned)queimar
to buyboughtboughtcomprar
to catchcaughtcaughtcaçar
to choosechosechosenescolher
to comecamecomevir
to costcostcostcustar
to cutcutcutcortar
to digdugdugcavar
to dodiddonefazer
to drawdrewdrawndesenhar
to drinkdrankdrunkbeber
to drivedrovedrivendirigir
to eatateeatencomer
to fallfellfallencair
to feedfedfed dar de comer
to feelfeltfeltsentir
to fightfoughtfoughtlutar
to findfoundfoundencontrar
to flyflewflownvoar
to forbidforbadeforbiddenproibir
to forgetforgotforgottenesquecer
to forgiveforgaveforgivenesquecer
to forsakeforsookforsakenabandonar
to freezefrozefrozencongelar
to getgotgot / gottenreceber; conseguir; obter; adquirir...
to givegavegivendar
to gowentgoneir
to growgrewgrowncrescer
to havehadhadter
to hearheardheardouvir, escutar
to hidehidhid / hiddenesconder, ocultar
to hithithitbater, ferir
to holdheldheldsegurar
to hurthurthurtmachucar
to keepkeptkeptmanter
to knowknewknownsaber, conhecer
to leadledledconduzir, comandar
to lendlentlentemprestar
to loselostlostperder
to makemademadefazer, criar
to meetmetmetencontrar
to paypaidpaidpagar
to putputputcolocar
to readreadreadler
to rideroderiddenandar, passear
to ringrangrungtocar (sino, campainha)
to riseroserisenlevantar, erguer
to runranruncorrer
to saysaidsaiddizer
to seesawseenver
to sellsoldsoldvender
to sendsentsentenviar
to shutshutshutfechar
to sleepsleptsleptdormir
to speakspokespokenfalar, dizer
to swimswamswumnadar
to taketooktakenpegar
to teachtaughttaughtensinar
to telltoldtolddizer
to thinkthoughtthoughtpensar, acreditar
to throwthrewthrownjogar, arremessar
to winwonwonganhar
to writewrotewrittenescrever